Over a Thousand Drivers Caught Running Red Lights at Rail Crossings

Over speed limit main causes of traffic accidents in the world-

There is a great variety of contributory factors that lead to traffic accidents crashes, most important of which are: the level of driver training; the general attitude of drivers; driver behavior and the level of driver self-discipline, self-regulation and law compliance. All of these relate to human factors in the road traffic environment.

Ever since the invention of the motor vehicle, speed as a factor in road crashes was a bone of contention. The main problem on roads that causes accidents is the differences in speed, rather than speed itself. While some people are going faster than other, some go slower which causes the traffic to flow unevenly. If the speeds limits are raised to comply with the actual travel speeds, the roads become safer, because the traffic now flows more evenly and people start going to the same speeds. This actually shows that drivers are not affected by the speed limits that much, but rather slow drivers.

Boom barrier and automatic bollards at rail crossings for vehicle-

A boom barrier is something that you must have seen at a level crossing. A level crossing is where railway tracks and the roads intersect.

An anti-crash boom gate or automatic boom barrier system is used at the level crossings, toll gates, and checkpoints. At checkpoints, they serve the major purpose of curbing criminal runaways. An automated boom gate is also used at toll booths and freeway entrance ramps to control and restrict traffic in the event of an accident cleanup or a road closure. With the increasing use and demand of the boom gates, especially the automated ones, boom barrier manufacturers are expecting growing markets and increased profits.

Increased usage of vehicles in terrorist activities has become a growing concern regarding vehicles and safety. The growing terror threat has increased the importance of installing security systems at important and potential areas. The bollards specific to serve the anti-terror purpose are known as ‘anti-terror hydraulic rising bollards’. Automatic bollards are secure and have low maintenance cost .Bollards are used for dividing the traffic.

How to improve level crossing accident?

When cars, cyclists and pedestrians have to cross the tracks, there is always a risk involved – a train can’t just stop. We have therefore been working on reducing the number of crossings of rail tracks and public highways for several years.

However, we never simply eliminate a level crossing overnight. Amongst other things, we carry out thorough preliminary research, risk analyses, and mobility studies beforehand. Together with local authorities and other stakeholders, we study how local residents, passengers, and railway users can continue to cross the railway line. This can be achieved T, for example. In some cases, road traffic is diverted and a bridge or tunnel is built for cyclists and pedestrians.

Causes of a vehicle accident on national highways?

 There are many of the causes of highway and interstate accidents are similar to accidents on other roadways.

Common causes of highway and interstate accidents include:

  1. Drowsy Driving: Drivers often end up on highways and interstates for hours at a time, which makes them prime targets for drowsy driving.
  2. Reckless or Careless Driving: The most common cause of accidents is reckless or careless driving. It is also the third-highest state for reckless driving.

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