Toll Management using Advanced RFID Technology

RFID Technology

RFID Technology stands for radio frequency identification. RFID is generic term for technologies that use radio waves or electromagnetic fields to automatically identify people or objects. The tag contains electronically stored information and RFID uses radio waves to read or capture information stored on a tag. There is a number of methods of identification, but the most common of which is to associate the e RFID tag unique identifier with an thing or person.

An RFID system will typically cover:-

  • An RFID device
  • A tag reader with antenna and transceiver
  • A host system or connection to an enterprise system

Radio frequency identification was initially considered in 1948. But it has taken many years to develop to the point where it can be easily afforded and also considered to be reliable for its extensive use.

In 1950’s there come a great change in the basic RFID technology and lot of scientific advancements has been added to it. In 1960’s various researchers developed prototype systems. Now electronic article surveillance (EAS) equipment were began to use as anti theft measures. This system used 1-bit tag for detecting the presence of a tag, which gained very popularity in retails stores as they are being attached to high value items and clothing.

In 1980s RFID applications extended in to a number of areas. It was used in animal tracking system in Europe and as toll roads in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and many other countries.

In 1990 it gained widespread acceptance of electronic toll collection in United States. While Europe also actively start using RFID application at toll collections, rail applications and access control.

In today’s era the significance for secured access is growing in numerous fields while if we look at the other side the technology advancement and RFID card reader are becoming low cost. Both of the above aspect plays a very favorable role in rapid growth of RFID technology.

RFID technology in Toll management solution

As the population is increasing so as the road traffic is also increasing. As technology is getting cheaper and also income played a major role in increased vehicle traffic. Every hour hundred of vehicle pass through a single toll gates and lets think what would happened if toll taxes are collected manually.

It would waste a lot of time and create a mass traffic jam. The vehicles have to form a queue and wait for several hours to let their turn come, pay the taxes and cross the toll.  As in today’s time people remain busy but due to manual toll both people have to wait and they can’t reach their destination on time. Not only time gets wasted but also fuel gets wasted and results in environment pollution.

So, there was a need to develop a system that would help to lower the difficulty of crossing the toll both. So RFID based toll plaza system provide a solution to this. This method gets information about the vehicle passing through the toll gate and automatically deducts toll tax from the owner’s account.

The best part is that you do not need to stop the vehicle, so just move straight without stopping on tollgates. This reduces traffic on highways.  Besides reducing traffic on highways it also reduces waiting time, fuel consumption and helping the pollution level to be in control.

However RFIM play a vital role in toll management yet it still needs more tools like tripod turnstile, automatic bollards and Parking Guidance solution so that proper toll management should be handles effectively.

Okay, let’s have a look at what is tripod turnstile and how it can control access.

  • Tripod Turnstile for access control in building & industry.

Turnstile is a gate which allows one person to pass at a time. Tripods turnstile uses ratchet mechanism to allow rotation of the stile in one direction and at the same time preventing rotation in other direction.

Tripods turnstiles can be used for access control to make daily life more at ease for reception staff at entrance of offices and administrative buildings, industrial building, banks and public authorities. They are quite easy to use. Tripods turnstile are compatible with id readers. Today’s tripod turnstiles along with automated bollards are used widely at:-

  • Access to administrative buildings and public authorities
  • Access to sports and leisure facilities
  • Access to paid area like museums and exhibitions

At last, let’s get back to the original topic, RFID. Advanced RFID is proven very successful in toll management together with saving of time and fuel.

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A people centric toll management system which can reduce your waiting time considerably

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Houston Systems is world leader in Entrance Automation, Security Access Management & Intelligent Systems.

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