10 Essentials For Choosing The Best Under Vehicle Surveillance System

The Under Vehicle Surveillance System is one of the latest additions in the basket of security devices and equipment. It is a set of various cameras and other devices that scan the vehicle when it crosses over them. As the name suggests, the UVSS scans under the vehicle. The system consists of a high-resolution camera installed in the tarmac of the road before the entrance of a highly secure zone or high-security buildings including security establishments, government offices, diplomatic enclaves, malls, convention centers or similar establishments where there are a lot of people.

The UVSS System scans all the vehicles, irrespective of shape or size and checks whether any foreign object is installed below the chassis of the vehicle. This is primarily done to detect bombs or other explosives which can cause mass damage and destruction. The live feed captured by the high-resolution camera is relayed and displayed on various screens in the control center where a team continuously monitors it. Many new models are also accompanied with the feature to detect the license plate of the vehicle and check its authenticity.

The cameras are accompanied with the bright LEDs which can capture the images of the vehicles’ underside even when the light is low. This enables the security enforcement agencies to scan each and every vehicle with same dexterity in all conditions. Some UVSS Systems are accompanied with night vision cameras which do not need a LED to capture the images of the chassis. This helps in veiling the security system and not allowing the culprits to get alerted before their vehicles are thoroughly scanned.

The UVSS has huge applications in areas which are under turmoil. The US Defense forces have got them installed near all their embassies in places like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. as there are a lot of instances of bombings in such regions. This has saved a lot of their people from getting killed in such attacks.

Let us talk about the 10 benefits of UVSS System

  1. The UVSS can display high definition videos of the underside of the vehicles under consideration. It can help in detecting bombs and other explosives on the spot.
  2. It can show the arms and guns if hidden below the chassis of the vehicle. The security forces can thus stop the vehicle and thwart any chances of untoward incidents.
  3. Some UVSS come with the license plate scanner. The license plate is scanned and checked for its authenticity and if the vehicle being used was stolen from some place, it can be detected and the culprits can be caught easily.
  4. These can also be easily integrated with the boom barriers, bollards, tire killers, etc. to stop the vehicle from entering a premise if a potential threat is detected.
  5. These systems can scan the vehicles moving at a speed of 30 kmph thus not becoming a traffic issue.
  6. Can be used for the comparison of images of same vehicle’s underside with the one saved in the archive already.
  7. The system can be integrated with a database and utilized by the centralized monitoring system.
  8. Auxiliary cameras can even look into the hard to see areas making it a formidable surveillance system.
  9. The automatic alert system blocks the path of the vehicle and alerts the security personnel as soon as something suspicious is found out.
  10. The data saved in the database can be accessed for a post-event analysis and new and effective methods can be formulated.

With such a wide range of uses and applications, the UVSS is soon replacing the conventional mirror plate surveillance system. The handheld system put the lives of the security officers in danger and it could also not look deep below the chassis. The new and advanced UVSS System is advanced and less risky for the security officers.

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Advanced Technologies & Growth Opportunities in Global Industry by 2024- Parking Management Market

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Houston Systems is world leader in Entrance Automation, Security Access Management & Intelligent Systems.

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