100 New Self-Driving Minivans on USA Roads

What makes government and highway authorities to use barrier? This question comes in everyone’s mind. To know reason of this question, go through the below mentioned paragraphs and get answer of these frequently asked questions.

You might have heard that precaution is always better than cure. Hence highway authorities use various types of barriers either to reduce speed to reduce probability of accidents or to collect tolls. It is very important to maintain safety and hence government plays a very important role of managing road security. Most of frequently occurring accidents took place on highways, and become reason of death of many innocent people.

How to take a measure in stopping accidents?

What we can do for stopping highway accidents? , What government can do for controlling over these issues? , The answer is very simple. These days, there exist a lot of self-driving minivans running on the roads of USA. These self-driving mini vans can be very safe. If we check the Google reports they say that till date their self-driving cars have done only a very few minor accidents and no one has got hurt. Government can also place road blocker and crash barriers for public safety.

Should we change our cars to self-driving cars?

Self-driving cars are the future of whole world but they aren’t available everywhere. Self-Driving cars are running successfully in the United States, and have given positive results as well. Most of the self-driving cars are running in Mountain View, CA, Austin, TX, Kirkland, WA, and Metro Phoenix, AZ. Google as well as many other companies are planning to expand their business and launch self- driving cars in many other cities and countries. Google self-driving cars have self-driven over 1.5 million miles and have accumulated the equivalent of over 75 years of driving experience on the road (based on a typical American adult driving about 13,000 miles per year).

What is a Road blocker or crash barrier?

When we talk about safety, we should know how we can get that. So, what is the purpose of using road blockers, the answer is simple it’s for blocking a road where the government don’t want the civilians to enter. Crash barriers which are also known as traffic barriers are mainly used to protect traffic from road side obstacles.

Where and why are spike barriers used?

A spike barriers  that is also known as spike strip, traffic spikes, one-way traffic treadles,tire shredders, stingers,  a stinger, stop sticks in police slang language and are known as a tire device for deflation is a device that is used to stop or impede the movement of vehicles wheel by puncturing tires. Usually, this spike strip contains a collection of up to 75 mm or up to 3 inches long barbs made up of metal, spikes or teeth. These spikes are designed to flatten or puncture tires when a car is driven over it.

Why self-driving cars?

Cars are now self-driving are no longer an idea of future. Companies like BMW, Mercedes, and Tesla have released, or soon going to release, cars with self-driving structures that gives a car ability to get it driven itself.

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