The Revolutionary Toll Management Solutions For Leverage In Managing Toll Collection And Overloading Penalties

Toll collection practice has been happening from years. Starting from traditional ways of collecting tolls, it has evolved to extensive usage of technology to increase efficiency and leverage toll collection without much human intervention. But how did this evolution happen from good olden days where traditionally conventional methods were used to collect tolls to modern day usage of technology in each and every aspect of toll management system.  Before digging…

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How Does A Boom Barrier Work For US?

The world is witness to the kind of violence that is being subjected on innocent and ordinary people. With the recent shootings and acts of terrorism taking place in Istanbul and Dhaka, the one question that everyone is asking is how safe are we really are? In a world where no one is secure, living in a secure community or working in a safe surrounding is the one thing which…

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5 Differences of Technology Between CCTV and ANPR

Since the world has become a highly digitized place, some of the best technology to monitor the environment and ensure that nothing goes awry is a CCTV camera. CCTV or what can be also called as the closed circuit television is more or less a video surveillance. There are millions of CCTVs installed in almost all the public places from shopping malls to hospitals to even schools. The purpose of…

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The Absence Of Boom Barrier On A Railway Crossing In Melbourne

Boom Barriers or Boom Barrier gates are horizontal poles or bars pivoted to manage the flow of the vehicles by allowing or halting the vehicle. The boom barriers have evolved from traditional manually operated ones to the automatic boom barriers. Taking into consideration the current scenario where we can see the digitization of the traffic control and management system and digitized approach towards everything, the need for an automatic boom…

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An Aviation Bill Passed To Boost Airport Security And Re-Ducing Screening Lines

The House has passed the latest aviation bill in the US Parliament. This bill has provisions to boost the airport security, reduce the screening bays and refunding a portion of the fees to the passengers whose luggage arrives late or is lost. The bill also has the provision for extending the program of Federal Aviation Administration for fourteen months at the same funding level. The bill has been approved by…

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How To Manage A Parking Lot In Crowded City

Parking Becomes Priority Today Parking is the act of stopping and disengaging a vehicle and partying it vacant. Parking on one or both sides of a road is frequently permitted, though sometimes with limitations. Some buildings have parking services for use of the buildings’ users. Countries and local governments have rules for design and utilize of parking spaces. Today parking becomes the priority to everyone and a very big problem…

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Marine Corps Embassy Security Group Celebrating The 70th Anniversary

Many in the US celebrated the strongly held collaboration between Diplomatic Security Services and Marine Corps Embassy Security Group. This is a move towards the enhancement of the diplomatic power of the US, the objective of formation of this unit is to minimize the use of forceful measures and increase the diplomatic policy to establish peace and security of the US citizen and its property located in a state other…

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10 Essentials For Choosing The Best Under Vehicle Surveillance System

The Under Vehicle Surveillance System is one of the latest additions in the basket of security devices and equipment. It is a set of various cameras and other devices that scan the vehicle when it crosses over them. As the name suggests, the UVSS scans under the vehicle. The system consists of a high-resolution camera installed in the tarmac of the road before the entrance of a highly secure zone…

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Drivers Able to Pay for Parking Tickets with Click of Camera

Today technology has brought a new evolution and helped people to enjoy life with ease. There are new techniques and tools introduced with new inventions and one of them is camera. It has helped people to keep an eye even in absence and thus made it very easy to manage things. The latest change with camera is paying with click. Yes it is true that now drivers are able to…

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Preparation Are In Full Swing in Gulf Countries to Ensure Smooth and Safe EID Holiday

Festivals is one such time when people forgets all sorrows and tensions and just wish to enjoy time with friends and families.EID is one such occasion that can bring people together and so Gulf countries are all set to have blast on EID. But during such festivals one more factor that is important is safety system that can ensure people just enjoy time without any tension. Hamada International airport comes…

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